What is is a service which a group can use to hire me as their game supervisor to play tabletop-rpg's.

Two adventurers killing their first Giant Centipede.

What is a tabletop-rpg and why do you need a game supervisor?

A tabletop-rpg is a kind of board game where a group of players go on an adventure together with a game supervisor. They defeat monsters, help people (or don't) and along the way they get stronger, making them able to overcome even more dangerous challenges. A tabletop-rpg doesn't neccessary stop after one game session, it can potentially go on for years. Due to the nature of a tabletop-rpg, there are no winners or losers, there are only characters who do or don't survive an adventure. If by chance your character does end up dead, you can either try and raise it from the dead or just create a new one.

Due to new technologies it's also possible to play these types of board games online, using so-called "Virtual Tabletops".

A game supervisor (also known as Dungeon Master (DM), Game Master (GM), Storyteller, etc...) prepares the whole adventure, plays with every character the party meets and interacts with (even the hostile ones), describes the world/location the party is currently at and prepares every possible obstacle the group has to overcome.

Jake and Ben during their first session.


Like you've probably read before, the role as game supervisor is very intensive. When you start out in this role, you'll easily spent 3 hours preparing for each hour of actual play time.

By using you can use my +20 years of experience and knowledge in tabletop-rpg's (mostly Dungeons & Dragons), in which I was a Dungeon Master 90% of the time and which is something I love doing after all that time.

If you've never played a tabletop-rpg before, I'll be ready to answer all your questions and I'll teach you the various aspects of the game. During a first session I'll do my utter best to make sure your character doesn't die prematurely. During the second session, I'll advise against actions that might get yourself killed. Every session after the third, if you want to go and kill a dragon, you may try to kill a dragon.

If you're an experienced roleplayer, you can always count on me to give your character an amazing adventure.

And to finish, a quote I've often used to describe tabletop-rpg's:

When you're playing a video-game, you're limited what the developers put in the game. In a tabletop-rpg you're only limited by what you can come up with (and any crazy ideas the DM actually allows).

After a battle, one of the adventurers is getting stabilized to prevent him from bleeding out.